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MacCallum, Ian Crawford and Lucille. Papers, 1431 WFCHS 

Macedonia Baptist Church Records, 548 THL

MacBean, Dana. Collection, 915 THL

MacDonald, Joy. Collection, 1795 THL

McDonald, Miller Collection, 358 THL MMF

McDonald-Walker, Robert P. Collection, 546 THL

MacKay-Smith, Alexander. Collection, 562 THL

Macky-Dunbar Records, 1752 THL

Maddox, Libby Bywaters. Collection, 1595 THL

Marbert, Lois. Collection, 990 WFCHS

March, Michael. Collection, 538 THL

Market Street United Methodist Church Records, 238 WFCHS/THL

Martin, Deanna Dill. Collection, 1369 THL

Martin, Donald J. Collection, 453 THL

Martinsburg & Winchester Turnpike Company Records, 407 WFCHS

Maslaney, Nicholas. Collection, 1496 THL

Massey, Ruth Farley. Collection, 1464 WFCHS/THL

McCabe, Susan L. Collection, 1721 THL

McDonald, Tommy. Collection, 1426 THL

McGuire, Hunter Holmes. Collection, 956 WFCHS/THL

McVicar, Charles William. Papers, 1514 WFCHS

McVicar, Kate. Collection, 1018 THL

Meaney, Peter. Collection, 666 THL

Media Collection, 1306 THL

Melvin, Albert E. Collection, 680 THL

Merchandise Account Book, 1641 THL

Middle East Wars Collection, 1660 THL

Middletown Heritage Society Collection, 1622 THL

Middletown Land and Improvement Company Records, 1499 THL MMF

Middletown Scrapbook Collection, 1673 WFCHS

Milburn, Jacqueline. Collection, 1606 THL

Miller and Anderson Collection, 1618 WFCHS/THL

Miller, Bettie. Collection, 1295 WFCHS

Miller, Godfrey. Correspondence , 1274 THL

Miller, Godfrey. Family Papers,  301 WFCHS

Miller, J. P. Family Papers, 1728 WFCHS

Miller, James A. Collection, 1421 WFCHS

Miller, Marianna. Collection, 1271 THL

Miller, Mary Frances Ritter. Collection, 1814 THL

Miller, Matt. Collection, 1785 THL

Miller, Vicki Marks. Collection, 1515 THL

Miller, William and Virginia. Collection, 133 WFCHS

Miller, William Correspondence Collection, 1866 WFCHS

Millwood Station Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company #21, Inc. Records, 1731 THL

Milton, John S. Records, 1467 THL

Mitchell, Ann Marthena Clevenger. Collection, 1677 THL

Mitchell, Connie Jean Casilear. Collection, 1630 WFCHS

Morgan, Daniel. Collection, 170 WFCHS/THL

Morith, Thomas E. Collection, 1724 THL

Morris, Mary Thomason. Collection, 434 THL

Morrow, Dale W. Collection, 1154 THL

Morton, Oren Frederick. Papers, 572 WFCHS

Mount Carmel Baptist Church Collection, 1715 THL

Mount Hebron Cemetery Records, 84 THL

Mount Hebron Evangelical United Brethren (E.U.B.) Collection, 1582 THL

Mountain Falls Fulling Mill Collection, 1070 THL

Mulvey, Mary Lou. Collection, 1602 WFCHS

Muse, Charles K. Collection, 1533 THL

Mutual Assurance Society Records, 248 WFCHS

Mutual Farmers Club of Frederick County, Virginia, Records, 421 WFCHS

Myers, John H. Records, 390 WFCHS