Click on the collection titles to view the complete inventory.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Collection, 1468 WFCHS
Sarah Zane Volunteer Fire Company Collection, 440 WFCHS
Sargent, Virginia B. Collection, 921 WFCHS
Savage Family Collection, 325 THL
Scrapbook Collection, 844 WFCHS
See, Hazel T. Collection, 364 THL
Seevers, George W. Account Book, 394 WFCHS
Seldon, Wendell L. Papers, 1775 THL
Sencindiver, Lucille. Collection, 1451 WFCHS
Shawnee Realty Company, 769 WFCHS MMF
Shawneeland Sanitary District Records, 1644 THL
Sheet Music Collection, 1600 WFCHS/THL
Shenandoah Area Council Boy Scouts of America Collection, 372 WFCHS/THL
Shenandoah County Butcher Records, 383 WFCHS
Shenandoah Normal College Collection (PDF), 604 WFCHS THL
Shenandoah Valley Academy Records, 121 WFCHS/THL
Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Society Collection, 752 WFCHS/THL
Shenandoah Valley Civil War Museum Collection, 1601 THL
Shenandoah Valley Genealogical Society Collection, 1550 THL
Shenandoah Valley Military Records, 575 WFCHS/THL
Shenandoah Valley National Bank Collection, 772 WFCHS-THL MMF
Shenandoah Valley Regional Studies Seminar Collection, 1238 THL
Shenandoah Valley Tapestry Records, 1749 WFCHS
Shenandoah Valley Writers Guild Collection, 1516 THL
Shiloh Baptist Church Records, 553 THL
Shultz, Michael R. Collection, 1122 WFCHS
Shumate, Tilman. Account Book, 395 WFCHS
Sibert and Denny Jewelers Records, 685 THL
Sibert, J. William. Collection, 200 THL
Singleton, Washington G. Papers, 171 WFCHS
Sirbaugh, Loretta K. Collection, 1384 WFCHS
Skellenger, Phineas. Collection, 1500 WFCHS
Sloat, Maggie Chrisman. Papers, 1475 WFCHS
Smith, Ernie and Helen. Collection, 496 WFCHS
Smith, George M. Collection, 991 THL
Smith, John and Anna. Family Papers, 1833 THL
Smith, Margarette. Collection, 1511 THL
Smith, Sara Y. Collection, 1765 THL
Smith, Vernie Lee - Autograph Album Collection, 501 WFCHS MMF
Snapp, Bobby Lee. Collection, 136 THL MMF
Snapp, Milton. Collection, 1568 THL
Solenberger Family Papers, 1780 THL
Sommers, Brother James. Collection, 360 THL
Sonday-Swinger, Pamela. Collection, 423 THL
Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1567, Turner Ashby Records, 1666 THL
Sound Archives Collection, 1656 WFCHS/THL
South End Fire Company Records, 1284 WFCHS/THL
Spanish-American War Collection, 1698 WFCHS
Sperry, A.P. Collection, 1409 WFCHS
Sperry, Edward. Account Books, 633 THL
Sperry, Jacob. Family Papers, 817 THL
Sperry, Kate. Papers, 1578 WFCHS/THL
Spout Spring Records Collection, 1655 WFCHS
Spring Mills Records, 400 WFCHS
Spurr, Madison Correspondence Collection, 1311 THL MMF
St. John’s Lutheran Church Records, 1617 THL
St. Paul African Methodist-Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church Records, 552 THL
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Strasburg, VA Records, 587 THL
St. Paul's on-the-Hill Episcopal Church Collection, 1826 THL
St. Stephens Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church Records, 549 THL
St. Thomas Episcopal Church Collection, 721 THL
Steele Brothers Records, 1571 THL
Stephens City High School Collection, 338 WFCHS
Stephens City United Methodist Church Collection, 1709 WFCHS
Stephens City, Virginia Records, 560 WFCHS/THL
Stickley, Benjamin. Papers, 305 WFCHS
Stimmel, Sylva Ann Lemley. Collection, 1708 WFCHS
Stone House Foundation Collection, 1704 THL
Stonewall Cemetery Records, 500 WFCHS
Stonewall School Collection, 1530 WFCHS
Stout, Kay Barnhouse. Collection, 1774 THL
Streit, Christian. Diary, 836 WFCHS
Strosnider, Donald R. Collection, 1712 WFCHS
Strother, David Hunter. Collection, 300 WFCHS/THL
Stuart, Betty Meade. Collection, 1665 THL
Sullivan, Algernon Sidney. Collection, 231 THL
Sutton, Linda Morrison. Collection, 1607 WFCHS
Swanson, Mary Elizabeth Trenary. Collection, 456 THL
Swayne, John. Collection, 1073 THL