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Hoopla Languages

Learn a New Language with Hoopla!

Social distancing guidelines mean that our Conversation Partners program has had to be suspended for the time being. We're as disappointed by this as you are, but that doesn't mean you have to stop learning! As many of you already know, apps like Mango and Rocket Languages can help you practice virtually from home and some of our language learning books and audiobooks are available through Libby and the Blue Ridge Download Consortium.

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Facebook Live

Virtual Programs for Kids & Teens

We have several new virtual programs for kids and teens on social media @handleyregional on Facebook this week.  All programs are free and open to the public.  Registration may be required.

Programs for Kids and Teens

Monday 5/18 at 6PM:  Teen Drawing Club on Discord.  Join a teen led drawing tutorial and challenge with a weekly online showcase!

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woman cooking


This is our third month in compliance with the stay at home order to halt the spread of Covid 19. We are comfortable in our home and we’ve been able to work and study from here.  But it has not been an easy time. The “snow day” atmosphere that first surrounded my family has been replaced by health concerns and uncertainty. We’ve sought comfort in food, with a few cocktails thrown in for the adults. In fact, we’ve been consuming ice cream by the bucket, brownies, cookies and anything else that makes us feel better.  Judging from posts I’ve seen on social media,

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Features I love in RB Digital for eMagazines

My lunch routine is to grab a couple of magazines before heading to the Library breakroom. My favorite pairing: Businessweek with People. And while I enjoy the leisurely flip through magazines, I’m like many of our patrons – format flexible. I go with what’s convenient in the moment. If I can’t get the print copy, I get the digital one available through the Library’s RB Digital service. In RB Digital, every issue is always available.

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(Her)story: Businesswomen of Winchester

Winchester has certainly been home to many remarkable people, including many women over the decades who owned and operated their own businesses. Several in particular stand out for the unique ways they showed strength in their careers as businesswomen.

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Virtual Book Talk - The Midwife of Hope River and Author Patricia Harman

We are excited to announce the next virtual book talk with author Patricia Harman on May 16th at 2PM on Facebook Live @handleyregional.  Add to your calendar here.

Sponsored by the Friends of the Handley Regional Library System, Harman will speak on The Midwife of Hope River, her novel about a midwife working in rural poverty during the Depression relying on her gift: the chance to escort mothers through the challenges of childbirth.

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1455 Jeanne

1455 A Place for Writers Continues Author Talks Virtually

We are excited to announce the next 1455 A Place for Writers author talk as Jeanne McCulloch, who will read from her memoir All Happy Families on May 14th at 6PM on Facebook Live @handleyregional. 

Sponsored by the Friends of the Handley Regional Library System, 1455 Founder Sean Murphy will be moderating the virtual program discussing the literary landscape and process behind writing the book. 

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Ms Donna Magic of Reading

Ms. Donna's Picks: The Magic of Reading!

Magic of Reading Book GraphicSummer is approaching quickly, and soon we will be ready to jump into Handley Regional Library System's Summer Reading Challenge! Keep your eyes open for an exciting new way to participate, read, and earn prizes, all while keeping the health and safety of our patrons a priority. 

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It's Asian Pacific American Heritage Month!

May is Asian Pacific American Heritage month!!  The Handley Regional Library Youth Services Department is celebrating this month by sharing a list of titles that are either written by an individual or featuring a character of Asian Pacific American Heritage.  More titles and authors can be found by searching the library catalog using the search term #youthasianpacific. 


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At Home Playlist for Every Musical Taste

Now that we are all stuck at home the majority of the time, there is no time like the present to visit old memories of listening to music  or discover something new that you aren't familiar with. Our new service, Hoopla has a lot of really great music that you can
"check out" and listen to. When you download an album it is available to you for 7 days and then will be returned automatically. All you need to do is sign up for an account using your library card and you are good to go.

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CBW Poster

Celebrating Children's Book Week: May 4-10

Children’s Book Week is the annual celebration of books for young people and the joy of reading.

Established in 1919, Children’s Book Week is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country. Every year, events are held nationwide at schools, libraries, bookstores, homes—wherever young readers and books connect! Children’s Book Week is not only a celebration of books, but of connection.

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