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Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society

P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17


Inventory created by Archives 09/1982.  Last revised 12/2019.

ACCESS RESTRICTIONS: Collection is open to all researchers.

USE RESTRICTIONS: Restrictions may apply concerning the use, photoduplication, or publication of items in this collection. Consult a member of the archives staff for information concerning these restrictions. The user assumes all responsibility for identifying and satisfying any claimants of copyright.

EXTENT: 0.84 linear feet

CREATOR: Ridgeway, Emma

DATE: 1943-1970

SCOPE AND CONTENT: The Emma Ridgeway Collection contains correspondence, records, and other materials related to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (W.T.C.U.)  and the Daughters of the American Revolution, Fort Loudoun Chapter, Winchester, Virginia.

BIOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL: Emma Ridgeway was a resident of Winchester, Virginia, and an active member of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and the Daughters of the American Revolution.

CITE AS: Ridgeway, Emma Collection, 134 WFCHS, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, Virginia.



BOX 1: Women's Christian Temperance Union Papers

Abstinence pledge cards (folder contains the following):
Military Appeal Card, 1 page, printed
Handwritten Notes, 2 leaves, manuscript
Light Line Union Certificates, 2 leaves, printed
Women’s Christian Temperance Union Pledge Cards, 3 leaves., printed

Conventions (folder contains the following):
W.C.T.U. Programs, 1959-65, 1969, 1971-74, 13 items, printed
W.C.T.U. Notebooks, 5 items, printed

Correspondence/reports, 1963-1970 (folder contains the following):
Notes – 5 leaves, manuscript (handwritten)
Letters – various dates, 42 leaves, typescript
District map, 1 leaf, typescript
District map, 1 page, manuscript

Corresponding Secretary Reports, 1943, 1945, 1947, 3 items, printed

Death notices (folder contains the following):
Obituaries, Barrett, Maude, 7/20/1967 & Shiley, Mayo Richard, 2/21/1972, 2 pages, printed
Appreciation Cards, 2 leaves, typescript
In Memorium Card, 1 page, typescript
Notes, 7 leaves, manuscript

Financial records (dues) (folder contains the following):
W.C.T. U. Subscription Lists, Mar/July 68, Feb-Nov 69, Apr., June, Aug 70, Oct. 74, June/Dec. 75,  19 leaf, typescript
W.C.T.U. Dues Collection, 1965-1970, 20 l., manuscript
W.C.T.U. Treasurers Report. 9/74-9/75, 2 l., typescript
W.C.T.U. Balance Sheet, 1961-62, 4 leaves. manuscript

Handbook, 1958, 2 booklets, printed

Loyal Temperance Union, children (folder contains the following):
The Young Crusader, Dec. 1940, April 1963, June 1964,  3 booklets, printed
Loyal Temperance Legion, no dates, 2 booklets, printed

Membership – Dues (folder contains the following):
Dues Collected, 1966-67, 11 leaf, typescript
W.C.T.U. Dues Reports, 1968-69, 19 leaf, manuscript
Dues Cards, with information on member, no dates, 10 leaves., manuscript
Information Card, L.T.L., no date, 1 leaf, manuscript

Membership Roster (folder contains the following):
W.C.T. U. Membership - 1963 & 1969, 12 leaves. typescript
W.C.T.U. Membership – 1965 – 1972, 30 leaves., manuscript

Membership – Life Patron Certificate, dated 2/20/1962, 1 leaf, typescript

BOX 2: Women's Christian Temperance Union continued/DAR Ft. Loudoun Chapter

Membership – Rock of Ages, no dates, 23 leaves, manuscript

Mementos (folder contains the following):
Certificate of Recognition – Youth Temperance Week, 1975, 1 leaf, manuscript
Napkin – National W.C.T.U. Convention, 1965, 1 item, printed
Name Tag – National W.C. T. U. Convention, 1965, 1 item, printed
Steadfast Union Certificate, 9-30-1965, 1 leaf, manuscript
Penny Card – National W.C.T.U. Convention, August 4-11, 1965, 1 item, printed
Prayer Card – W.C.T.U., no date, 1 item, printed

Monthly Report (folder contains the following):
Dues Report, 1966-1977, Notebook, manuscript
W.C.T.U. Reports, 1965-1975, 75 l leaf, manuscript

News clippings – Women’s Christian Temperance Union (2 folders)

Programs (folder contains the following):
W.C.T.U. Convention Highlights, 1958 & 1965, 6 leaves, typescript
W.C.T.U. Resolution, 1965, 1 leaf, typescript
Handwritten note to Emma Ridgeway, 7-1-1959, 1leaf, manuscript
Placing marker at Robert Wood grave, 5-24-1964, 1 leaf, typescript
History & description of national W.C.T.U. Headquarters, 1 page, typescript

Songs (folder contains the following):
The Voice of Song Booklet, undated, 2 items, printed
Temperance Song Sheets, undated, 6 leaves, typescript

Tracts Against Drinking, Drugs (folder contains the following):
Tracts, undated, 25 items, printed
Susan B. Anthony Napkin, 1820-1906, 1 item, printed
W.C.T. U. Bookmarks, undated, 2 items, printed
W.C.T. U. Pennant, undated,1 item, printed           

Treasurer's Reports (folder contains the following):
Treasurer’s Reports, 1970-72, 8 leaves, printed
Treasurer’s Reports, 1966-1973, 32 leaves, manuscript

Treasurer's Report – Budget (folder contains the following):
W.C.T.U. letters, various dates, 8 leaves, typescript
Budget & Dues, various dates, 38 leaves, manuscript          
Local W.C.T.U. papers, no dates, 3 leaves, typescript          
87th Annual Convention Information, October 1972, pamphlet, printed      
W.C.T. U. Tracts, no dates, 15 items, printed
Notebook, no date, manuscript  

Daughters of the American Revolution Papers

Fort Loudoun Chapter – Membership Booklets and by-laws (folder contains the following):
D.A.R. Membership Booklets, 1944-1958, 21 items, printed
D.A.R. By laws, 1952, 1 item, printed
D.A.R. Program, 1958, 1 item, printed

Fort Loudoun Chapter – membership cards and ribbons(folder contains the following):
D.A.R. Ribbons, 10 items, printed
D.A.R. Membership Cards, 1957, 58 & 59, 4 leaves. printed

Fort Loudoun Chapter – news clippings

Fort Loudoun Chapter – Regent's report, 1958 (folder contains the following):
D.A.R. Regents Report, 1957, 1 leaf, typescript
D.A.R. Regents Report, 1957-58, 3 leaves. typescript
D.A.R. Treasurer’s Report, July 1, 1961-July 1, 1962, 1 leaf, typescript