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Paul Henkel Family Papers

Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society

P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17

896 THL

Scope and Content: This collection contains personal and business correspondence of the Paul Henkel family and correspondence of the Lutheran Church to several Henkels. Many of these letters are in German. Some of them have been translated. Also included are marriages, obituaries, diaries, and other family materials.
(4 boxes) Last updated 03/07.

An itemized list of folder contents may be seen in the Archives Room. Names of people are listed in anglicized form; place names are given in current spelling.

Biographical/Historical: Paul Henkel was born on December 15, 1754 in Rowan (now Davie) County, NC to Jacob and Barbara Teters Henkel. He died in 1825, two years after a stroke. Paul always had an aptitude and interest for studies and religion. In 1776, he began studying for the ministry. That same year he married Elizabeth Nagley from New Jersey. He was licensed and later ordained as a Lutheran minister. The principal focus of Henkel’s work for many years was in the Shenandoah Valley, Shenandoah County, VA. He later made several extended missionary journeys to SC, NC, TN, KY, IN, and OH. In 1790, the Henkel’s moved to New Market, VA, the principal residence for the rest of Henkel’s life.

Arthur Pierson Kelly explains in his 200 Years in the Shenandoah Valley [that]

Paul Henkel’s one concern was to proclaim the Good News, in season and out of season. He was indefatigable in zeal; and he endured almost incredible hardships without a murmur. He and his wife were generous beyond their means; and self-interest never entered his ministry.

Bibliography: Eisenberg, William Edward. The Lutheran Church in Virginia 1717-1962. Roanoke: The Trustees of the Virginia Synod, Lutheran Church in America, 1967.

Kelley, Arthur Pierson. 200 Years in the Shenandoah Valley. Yellow Springs, OH: Tree Publishing, 1976.

Cite As: Paul Henkel Family Papers, 896 THL, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, VA, USA.


Box 1

"Paul Henkel and the Revivals," by Dr. R.H. Baur, article in Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly, Fall 1990, pages 113-122, 1 item, printed (photocopy)

Paul Henkel to various correspondents – May 10, 1805-Nov. 13, 1822, 18 items, manuscript

Paul Henkel to various correspondents – transcripts, May 10, 1805-Nov. 13, 1822, 18 items, manuscript
transcripts in German by R.H. Baur, 68 leaves, typescript – Did Not Digitize
translations by R.H. Baur, unnumbered leaves, typescript

Paul Henkel to various correspondents – manuscript, May 1, 1823-Oct. 25, 1825, 17 items, manuscript

Paul Henkel to various correspondents – transcripts, May 1, 1823-Oct. 25, 1825
transcripts in German by R.H. Baur, 68 leaves, typed– Did Not Digitize
translations by R.H. Baur, 71 leaves, typed

Solomon Henkel to various correspondents – manuscript, March 20, 1805- Sept. 6, 1825, 17 items, manuscript

Philip Henkel to Paul Henkel – manuscript, April 4, 1808-Dec. 29, 1819, 16 items, manuscript

Philip Henkel to various correspondents – manuscript, Dec. 29, 1819-April 23, 1830, 16 items, manuscript

Ambrose Henkel to various correspondents – manuscript, June 9, 1810-Aug. 24, 1831, 6 items, manuscript

Andrew Henkel to various correspondents – manuscript, Nov. 18, 1811-Jan. 3, 1851, 17 items, manuscript

David Henkel to various correspondents – manuscript, Dec. 18, 1813-Sept. 30, 1825, 10 items, manuscript

Charles Henkel to various correspondents – manuscript, Jan. 18, 1817-April 5, 1836, 17 items, manuscript

Hannah Henkel, Moses Henkel to Paul Henkel – manuscript, Feb. 9, 1808-March 20, 1824,10 items, manuscript

Henkel Family correspondence – manuscript, Nov. 11, 1809-Nov. 24, 1839, 10 items, manuscript

Box 2

Lutheran and Reformed Clergy (Bonham, N.-Hauck, W.) to several Henkels – manuscript, Aug. 1, 1799-Aug. 18, 1829, 22 items, manuscript

Lutheran and Reformed Clergy (Helmuth, J.-Laros, J.) to several Henkels – manuscript, June 3, 1806-July 1, 1834, 18 items, manuscript

Lutheran and Reformed Clergy (Leist, J.-Muhlenberg, H.) to several Henkels – manuscript, March 18, 1811-June 14, 1825, 14 items, manuscript

Lutheran and Reformed Clergy (Reck, A.-Schmidt, C.) to several Henkels – manuscript, Sept. 8, 1807-Dec. 27, 1833, 13 items, manuscript

Lutheran and Reformed Clergy (Schmucker, J.-Schulze, E.) to Paul Henkel – manuscript, July 3, 1798-April 21, 1820, 15 items, manuscript

Lutheran and Reformed Clergy (Seechrist, A.-Stock, J.) to several Henkels – manuscript, Dec. 20, 1796-April 24, 1829, 18 items, manuscript

Lutheran and Reformed Clergy (Stock, P.-Zirkle, H.) to several Henkels – manuscript, Jan. 28, 1799-Jan. 6, 1846, 18 items, manuscript

Various Moravian Preachers (Buchholtz, C.-Schlegel, J.) to Paul Henkel – manuscript, Jan. 14, 1799-March 30, 1815, 10 items, manuscript

General Correspondence (Adam, C.-Aumiller, J.) with Henkel family – manuscript, June 1810-Oct. 18, 1831, 14 items, manuscript

General Correspondence (Bayer, A.-Furman, J.) with Henkel family – manuscript, Feb. 27, 1809-April 30, 1843, 14 items, manuscript

General Correspondence (Gock, C.-Hook, A) with Henkel family – manuscript, March 22, 1810-June 4, 1828, 17 items, manuscript

General Correspondence (Kammerer, P.-Newman, G.) with Henkel family – manuscript, Oct. 20, 1808-Sept.26, 1838, 15 items, manuscript

General Correspondence (Ohler, J.-Rupert, H.) with Henkel family –manuscript, April 7, 1807-April 21, 1844, 21 items, manuscript

General Correspondence (Rupert, H.-Strawder, N.) with Henkel family –manuscript, Sept. 23, 1783-Aug. 20, 1824, 21 items, manuscript

General Correspondence (Tranberg, D.-Yager, S.) with Henkel family –manuscript, Sept. 14, 1810-Nov. 11, 1822, 9 items, manuscript

Papers relating to "David Henkel’s Oath" and the Schism of the Lutheran Church in North Carolina, 14 items, manuscript

Box 3

Miscellaneous Papers, 1809-1810, 4 items, 3 pages, 1 booklet, manuscript

Miscellaneous Broadsides and Circulars, 1798-1818, 10 items, manuscript

Obituary Notices, Lists, Notes, etc. 1806-[1815], 14 items, manuscript

Marriage Licenses, Receipts, Notes, etc., 1791-1816, 46 items, manuscript

Medicine, Home Remedies, and Occult Science, 1800-1820, 23 items, manuscript

Apothecary Notebook, n.d., 1 item, manuscript

"Gypsy Book" copied from printed booklet, 1 item, manuscript

Henkel, Solomon: Diaries and Memorandum Book, 1793-1800, 3 items, manuscript

Henkel, Paul: Diaries, Notes, and Memos, 1781-1840, 10 items, manuscript

Zoology Book [Dr. Neff], n.d., 1 item, manuscript

Box 4

General Correspondence to Solon P.C. Henkel (various correspondents) – manuscript, 1827-1876, several items, manuscript
*Correspondence consists of 59 folders, see itemized list for authors names and dates. This correspondence is in English

Moreland, Virginia Autograph Album, n.d., 1 item, manuscript