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H. W. Ebert Buick Records

Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society

P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17

1802 THL

Inventory created by Archives Staff 09/2000. Last revised 01/2022.

ACCESS RESTRICTIONS: Collection is open to all researchers.

USE RESTRICTIONS: Restrictions may apply concerning the use, photoduplication, or publication of items in this collection. Consult a member of the archives staff for information concerning these restrictions. The user assumes all responsibility for identifying and satisfying any claimants of copyright.

EXTENT:  2 volumes; 1 folder; ephemera

CREATOR: H.W. Ebert Buick

DATE: 1918-1971

SCOPE AND CONTENT: The H. W. Ebert Buick Collection contains news articles, promotional materials, and ledgers of new car sales from the H.W. Ebert Buick Dealership of Winchester, Virginia.

BIOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL: The H.W. Ebert Buick Dealership opened on March 12, 1916 on Piccadilly Street in Winchester.  The business moved many times during its years in operation. In 1917 it was located on N. Loudoun and then N. Braddock Streets. In 1918, it moved back to Loudoun Street. In 1925, it moved to the corner of Amherst and Braddock Streets, then to in 1940 to Cedar Creek Grade in 1940. (At this location, on June 11, 1940, the dealership sold a car to Eleanor Roosevelt.) Finally, in 1941 the business returned to N. Loudoun Street. 

CITE AS: H.W. Ebert Buick Records, 1802 THL, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, VA, USA.




News articles, unnumbered pages, printed and photocopied.

Promotional materials, n.d., 1 item, pen knife handle.

Ledger book vol. 1, 1918-1959, 76 pages, manuscript.

Ledger book vol. 2, 1950-1971, 128 pages, manuscript.