2024 Tax Forms

We do not have 2024 tax forms available at any branch yet. We will update this page as soon as they arrive. Thank you for your patience!

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Age Group:

Teens (12+)
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Ages: 12 to 18
Allowed Grades: 6th Grade and up

Program Description

Event Details

Join a teen led drawing tutorial and challenge with a weekly online showcase!

Live interactive drawing at 6pm over Discord. Registration required to receive an invite to the Bowman Teen Discord Server.

A Discord account is not required to participate in the showcase. Highlights from the event will be linked here and posted on the website as well as social media with instructions to submit your artwork. 

May 4th: Design a Light Saber 

May 18th: Eyes: The Window to the Soul 

June 1st: Drawing Hair

June 15th: Gravity Falls: Design a Super Natural Creature 

July 6th: Drawing Hands

To ensure the safety of our teens, anyone wishing to request an invitation to the server will need to register below with an email address and a Handley Regional Library library card number, either their own card or a parent's card. If you do not have a card, email Ms. Donna at dhughes@handleyregional.org.

All activities on the server during the event will be moderated by Handley Regional Library Staff.