All Branches are Closed on Friday, December 6

All branches will be closed on Friday, December 6, for Staff Development Day. We're taking time to learn, grow, and recharge so we can serve you even better. Back open Saturday, December 7—thanks for your patience! 📚

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Learning Through Play: Senses

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Did you know that we have 8 senses? We are all taught 5 of them repeatedly growing up, and that is because they help us with our perceptions of the world. Of those most commonly known five senses, though, our children are using them to grow and develop into bright learners ready to take on the challenges life throws at us as adults.


Believe it or not, play is a huge component in that sensory piece helping our children to observe, absorb, and even mute and ignore things. Think about when your child was an infant and they could not keep things out of their mouth! That was play through senses for them!


Through our field trips, storytimes, and other programs, here at Handley Regional Library, we are trying to reach the use of these main senses because it helps our children regulate themselves and learn best. We also offer many resources to help you as a caregiver do what is best for your family. Look up some books, DVDs, and e-Resources in our parent-teacher collection to help you learn more about sensory needs, activities, and our children’s overall needs to develop –this could help making parenting an easier task.

When you stop in, feel free to use our Kulture City sensory supplies and quiet spaces, or ask a librarian for some recommendations on next reads! Perhaps skip the library on a nice day and instead stroll at one of our Storwalks for an entirely different sensory experience.