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BINGO Square Read A Magazine

Pushing My Shelf During the Bingo Challenge 2022: Todd

In this installment of the Pushing My Shelf blog series, Todd talks about finding just the right kind of magazine.

This month we thought we would do a blog series for the Push Your Shelf Bingo Challenge. The challenge is to complete Bingo squares that “push your shelf.” In other words, read or try something that you might not ordinarily consider; something not typically found on your bookshelf. Find out more here.

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A hand-written letter overlapping an envelope.

Nontraditional Novels

I love a good novel, but sometimes I want something a little different. That's where books like these come in. Novels in verse, graphic novel retellings, diaries, and novels told through letters--these picks may not be traditional, but they are still great reads. Find my top picks below.

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Middle Grade Unreliable Narrators Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Unreliable Narrators!!!

Our Middle Grade book spotlight this week is focused on books that have some unreliable narrators!!  An unreliable narrator is a character who is telling their story but you have no idea if you can trust them or not; you are getting their point of view but there may have been some incidents throughout the plot that cause you not to trust the

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Teen Unreliable Narrators Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--Unreliable Narrators!!!

Our teen book spotlight this week is on books that feature books that have some unreliable narrators!!  An unreliable narrator is a character who is telling their story but you have no idea if you can trust them or not; you are getting their point of view but there may have been some incidents throughout the plot that cause you not to trust

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Multi colored hearts on white background

Meet Jessica

My name is Jessica and I’ve been working for the Handley Regional Library System since August of 2021! I’ve been really enjoying my time as an employee, and it’s been a great experience overall so far. Part of my job is to be well-versed in different literary genres so I can give book recommendations, so in an effort to become a bit more well-rounded, I decided to tackle one that I’d never attempted to read in the past: romance novels. I’ve always heard mixed reviews about the genre, so I decided to give it a go myself.


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Middle Grade Red and Pink Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--Red and Pink Covers!!!

Our Middle Grade book spotlight this week is focused on books that have Red and Pink Covers!!!  As we celebrate Valentine's Day, let us get into the spirit of this holiday by reading some books that feature the two primary colors of this day.  Since we are choosing these books based on their front covers, then we have an amazing selecti

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Family History Corner

Which records should I be trying to get? Where do I get the records I need for my genealogy work?

Q: Which records should I be trying to get?

 Where do I get the records I need for my genealogy work?

Like any good artist there comes a time in the creative process where a decision must be made.  Should I put a mountain here or a tree over there?  What colors should I use, etc. to make everything look beautifully balanced on the canvas.  So also, should a genealogist make vital decisions to have their family canvas develop beautifully. 

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Middle Grade 2022 Award Winners Book Covers

Middle Grade Book Spotlight--2022 Award Winners!!!

Our middle grade book spotlight this week is focused on books that are award winners!!!  A few weeks ago, the ALA Youth Media Awards were held which is basically the Oscars for books!  Held every year at the end of January, books win a variety of awards that range from the best book of the year to the best book with an exceptional portr

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Teen 2022 Award Winners Book Covers

Teen Book Spotlight--2022 Award Winners!!!

Our teen book spotlight this week is focused on books that are award winners!!!  A few weeks ago, the ALA Youth Media Awards were held which is basically the Oscars for books!  Held every year at the end of January, books win a variety of awards that range from the best book of the year to the best debut novel by a debut author; there i

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