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Video Game Spotlight: Stardew Valley

In these stressful times, we all could use a bit of comfort. What better way to treat yourself and stave off cabin fever than by getting lost in the world of a rich and comforting game? Although Stardew Valley is on our shelves as a Juvenile title due to its E10+ ESRB rating, and although it is a great game for the whole family, I would argue that it offers even more to adult players and should not be overlooked.

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nerd media

5 Reasons it’s a Great Time to be a Nerd at the Library

Your local library is making it easier than ever to geek! We all know it can be hard to find our people and even harder to keep up with our favorite fandoms on a budget. Now the library is expanding our collections, not just for teens, but for adults too. Keep an eye on our catalog for our ever-expanding collection of games, graphic novels, movies, books, and shows. And keep an ear to the ground for our upcoming programming that was developed with you in mind.

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