Stewart Bell Jr. Archives
Handley Regional Library
Winchester-Frederick County Historical Society
P.O. Box 58, Winchester, VA 22604
(540) 662-9041 ext. 17
315 THL
Inventory created by Archives Staff 06/1983. Revised by staff 06/2018.
ACCESS RESTRICTIONS: Collection is open to all researchers.
USE RESTRICTIONS: Restrictions may apply concerning the use, photoduplication, or publication of items in this collection. Consult a member of the archives staff for information concerning these restrictions. The user assumes all responsibility for identifying and satisfying any claimants of copyright.
EXTENT: 0.21 linear feet.
DATE: 1767 – 2017
SCOPE AND CONTENT: This collection contains genealogical material of the Adams, Bean, and Unger families of Frederick County, Virginia. Bean family information is included within an excerpt from “Life and Family of John Bean of Exeter and His Cousin” written by Bernie Bean and provides detailed genealogy of the family and their settlements in Frederick County. Biographical and military information of Thomas Garrett Adams, who served during WWI, is also held within the collection along with a handwritten biographical sketch by Frances Adams Unger.
BIOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL: Frances Adams Unger, a resident of Frederick County, Virginia, died at age 100 on February 2017. Unger worked to compile biographical and genealogical information on the Adams family, particularly the military work of her uncle, Thomas Garrett Adams. Adams served the U.S. in World War I and died during service the 29th of September, 1918. The Bean family of Frederick County, Virginia can be traced back to Mordecai Bean. Bean initially appeared in Frederick County in 1767, having possibly emigrated from England. In the year 1779, Bean purchased 300 acres of land from part of the Ellis Thomas Grant. The family would remain in this location until after the Civil War. In January of 1871, the Bean family of Frederick County, Virginia moved west to Kansas and continued their lives in an attempt to rebuild following the war.
CITE AS: Frances Adams Unger Collection, 315 THL, Stewart Bell Jr. Archives, Handley Regional Library, Winchester, Virginia, USA
Adams, Thomas G.—biographical and military information, folder contains the following items:
- Sympathy Card from the War Department; 1 item, printed, undated
- Biographical Information of Thomas Adams; 1 leaf, manuscript, undated
- Certificate/Death Notice of Thomas Adams; 1 leaf, printed/typescript, December 21, 1918
- Envelopes containing WWI certificates of Thomas Garrett Adams (1918-1919), 2 items, manuscript/print
Bean Family History—photocopy from “Life and Family of John Bean of Exeter and His Cousin”; 66 leaves, printed (photocopy), copyright 1970
News articles
Pair of Glasses, possibly belonging to Thomas Garrett Adams (c. 1910-1918); 1 item
Memorial Certificate (WWI)—Private Thomas G. Adams Co. L. 320th Infantry (died September 29, 1918); 1 item, printed
Memorial Poster for Thomas G. Adams—Private Company L. 320th Infantry, WWI (1914-1919), poster written in French; 1 item, printed
Certificate to honor Thomas G. Adams for his service in WWI, designed in 1919—1 item, printed
PHOTOGRAPHS: : Photographs and other images belonging to this collection may be accessed online through