Enjoy an early literacy program for infants focused on developmental skills consisting of stories, rhymes, bounces, and more. Then, stay and play while meeting new community members.
Come to the Clarke County Library Children's Room for stories and fun!
We invite you to our weekly stitching meetup through the months of January, February, and March.
Library Consent Statement for Photography and Video
Programs, events, and daily happenings sponsored by Handley Regional Library System may be photographed or recorded. Attendance at any sponsored program, event or general library use constitutes the consent of all attendees and the consent of the parents or legal guardians of any minor children in attendance, to the future broadcast, publication, and other use of photography or videos at the sole direction of Handley Regional Library System.
Are you ready for a challenge? Listen to a story and complete a creative, engineering challenge inspired by the book. Then, take home a Grab-and-Go Kit that includes all supplies and extension activities to do later.