2024 Tax Forms

We do not have 2024 tax forms available at any branch yet. We will update this page as soon as they arrive. Thank you for your patience!

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Age Group:

Teens (12+)
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Grades: 6th Grade to 12th Grade

Program Description

Event Details


Celebrating Anime, Comics, Gaming and More!

Natsu Con 2023 is at the Bowman Library, brought to you by the Teen Advisory Board and Natsu Con Committee.

Hear engaging speakers, participate in character panels,  show off your talent in our masquerade, and compete in our cosplay contest!

Pre-registration is only required for the Character Panel and the Masquerade.  The Cosplay contest sign-up (ages 12-18) will begin at 11am the day of the conference.

1:15 Character Panels (open for registration)

Character Panel participants must be in middle or high school and at least 12 years old. Register in advance with character information and genre (anime, comic, or uniquely created characters welcome.)

Questions? Contact Donna Hughes at dhughes@handleyregional.org



Library Consent Statement for Photography and Video

Programs, events, and daily happenings sponsored by Handley Regional Library System may be photographed or recorded.  Attendance at any sponsored program, event or general library use constitutes the consent of all attendees and the consent of the parents or legal guardians of any minor children in attendance, to the future broadcast, publication, and other use of photography or videos at the sole direction of Handley Regional Library System.

Photography Notification

While we do allow professional photography inside the property of Handley Regional Library System, we do ask that we are notified ahead of time of photoshoots at 540.662.9041 x 25.  Photography activities may be limited to specific areas due to reserved use and cannot impede any patron activity using the library.