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Get Curated Reading Suggestions on Selected Topics Sent Right to Your Inbox.

Social Justice Education Reads for Grades K-12

If you and your family are wanting to read more diverse books with a central theme around Social Justice Education, then look no further than your local public library! We've compiled a list of books for Elementary, Middle School, and High School readers. You can find these books in our library catalog here and/or in our digital library in Hoopla here. All you need is a library card! If you do not have one, simply email and we can help get you one today. 

Additionally, you can easily count these books and time spent reading them for the Summer Reading Program for Kids, Teens, and Families, which is going on now until August 6. Learn about different backgrounds from diverse authors and characters as you #ImagineYourStoryWithHRLS. Learn more about how to read and win this summer with the reading program here. Reading social justice related books is a great way to educate yourself and your family! 

Do you want to submit a diverse book suggestion that we don't have in our collection and you think we should? Tell us here.

social justice reads