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Preserving your Memories

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Have you ever thought about all the photos on your phone: photos of loved ones, silly moments that bring you joy, and milestones in your life?  Can you find the photo you want to show someone quickly?  Do you worry what could happen to those photos should the phone break?  Do you have a plan to preserve those photos for the future? 

Digital photography has made it so much easier to make memories, but also brings new challenges when it comes to organizing and preserving these digital images for future use.

Handley Regional Library’s Stewart Bell Jr. Archives is here to help.  Please join us for our Organizing Digital Photos workshop on Saturday, August 5 from 2pm – 4pm at the Bowman Library Meeting Room.   Our presenter will be Tina Claflin, owner of Halcyon Reflections LLC, a veteran-owned small business that assists families, veterans, and communities in organizing and preserving their stories through their records, photos, and memorabilia.  Ms. Claflin will guide the participants through the basics of getting started with digital photos organization, the various software programs that can be used to meet their needs, how to backup and share their images, and how to create a legacy plan for those photos.  


Registration is required for this event.  Learn more and register here!

Have questions?  Email or call (540) 662-9041 ext. 17