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Learning Through Play: Imagination and Creativity

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 Around the age of 3 ½ we start to see our child’s creativity and imagination bloom. Just like the snow we are (hopefully) seeing in our area right now, each child is unique and different from their siblings and peers. Your child has learned through curiosity and now they are utilizing some of their senses and that curiosity in a way that brings magic and imagination into the world –and with it comes the inevitable pushing of our boundaries. We are seeing our kids attempt to get away with as much as possible, and the boundless energy seems to keep coming with naps going away… but there are many positives to this experience, now is the perfect time to use this creativity to our advantage as parents! 


  1. We can create uses and games to get school work and chores done. For example: Play pretend police officer, but do some “paperwork” in between crimes. Perhaps race to match and put away the silverware.
  2. We can simply be creative with our kiddos
  3. Just have fun with them! And if that fails:
  4. Check out some story time programs we offer. This can help add your learning through experiences! 


Remember: If you are trying your best to be involved and love them for who they are, then you are doing phenomenal! 

Curious about how your child's development lines up with our state's standard for preschool readiness or what your child's doctor is looking for? Check out the links then follow up with some books from our parent-teacher collection!