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Cookies! Storytime @ HRL

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We’re mixing up some fun with a theme of Cookies! Enjoy tales of sweet treats at the Handley Regional Library!


Five Little Cookies
Five little cookies in the bakery shop
Shining, shining with sugar on top
Along came a boy/girl
With a penny to spend
He took one…and away he ran.
(Continue with Four, Three, Two, One, Zero.)

Making Cookies
I am making cookie dough.
(hold out arms in a circle, like a bowl)
Round and round the beaters go. (roll hands)
Add some flour from a cup. (shake a pretend cup)
Stir and stir the batter up. (stirring motion)
Roll them, cut them nice and neat.
(rolling pin motion)
Put them on a cookie sheet.
(place pretend cookies)
Bake them, count them 1-2-3. (counting motion)
Serve them to my friends for tea. (take a bite!)

Great Big Cookie
I am a great big cookie,
(circle hands over head)
Chocolatey and round,
(extend hands out to sides)
Filled with lots of chocolate chips,
(point to chips)
The best that can be found. (rub tummy)

I am a great big cookie,
(circle hands over head)
Take a bite of me. (make chewing motions)
Tasty, sweet, delicious,
(extend hands out to sides)
I’m oh-so-yummy! (rub tummy)

I WAS a great big cookie,
(circle hands over head)
The very best around.
(extend hands out to sides)
Now there’s nothing left of me, (shake head)
Just crumbs upon the ground. (sit down)

Who Took the Cookies?
Who took the cookies from the cookie jar?
(He/She) took the cookies from the cookie jar.
Who me?
Yes, you!
Couldn’t be!
Then who?